Webinar: Introducing SlideGen

Allow us to introduce you to SlideGen, our cutting-edge report automation software.

December 6, 2023
In this article, we're going to discuss:

We're thrilled to share exciting news – after countless hours of hard work, we're proud to present a ground-breaking tool that promises to revolutionise your reporting experience. Your interest in our solution has been incredibly rewarding for everyone involved.

Allow us to introduce you to SlideGen, our cutting-edge report automation software. In this blog post, we'll delve into snippets from our recent webinar, providing you with a firsthand look at the features and benefits that make SlideGen a game-changer.

Let's dive in and explore the future of effortless report automation!

Why SlideGen Exists

Before jumping into the demo, I would like to frame the webinar by telling you why SlideGen exists today.

All of us at Indico labs come from a market research or analytics background. We have all lived and experienced the pain of generating PowerPoint reports. We found that the process was firstly time consuming and frankly dull.

We honestly felt as though the entire process, from exploring the data and picking out themes and key insights, all the way through to quality checking deliverables was broken. Most importantly, we felt that much of your valuable time is lost in populating and updating slides that already exist.

There are some obvious report types where this issue is exaggerated – think international reports, trackers and especially appendix style sections. Beyond that, we understood from our existing customers that even for ad hoc reports, the starting point is often to design the slides based on interim data, or predefined objectives with the end customer. If not that, then you are often picking and choosing pre-existing layouts from previous reports to help you get going.

We wanted to empower researchers with a tool that a) still allows you, your client or your design team to create the slides exactly as you want them in PowerPoint and b) efficiently populate, reuse and refresh those slides when needed, so you spend less time on actually redesigning reports, copying data from excel to PowerPoint and more time interpreting the results and providing meaning insights to your customers.

Not only that, but by removing that copy and paste element – we can significantly reduce the likelihood of human error and the need for hours of quality control that the traditional method requires.

This is essentially the mission of SlideGen and that is why we are all here today.

So, let’s jump into the demo.

SlideGen demo

SlideGen Demo

Customer experience and testimonial

Hopefully, you all now have a good understanding of some of the basics of what is possible within SlideGen.

We drew on some of the comments from our pre-launch testers during the demo there. Now we are going to take 5 minutes to hear some direct feedback from Richard Green, who has been part of the testing and feedback process since the beginning of the summer.

Richard is an Insights Manager at IGD and a customer of our original PowerPoint Generator software and automation services. Richard joined IGD back at the start of 2022, and before that he has worked in a number of familiar agencies including SMG and Ipsos.

IGD (or the Institute of Grocery Distribution) is an organisation of two interconnected communities:

For commercial IGD provides insight and foresight across the food and consumer goods industry.

And for social impact, IGD has a unique ability to convene stakeholders across the food and consumer goods industry to address the economic, social, and environmental issues that matter to us all.

Let’s hear from Richard now:

Richard Green's SlideGen experience

I would like to take a moment to thank Rich for his time and support, I hope you found that useful! Our ultimate aim is to create software that helps you work more efficiently in a way that is enjoyable. Having access to the thoughts and opinions of our customers is so important to helping us do that, and we are already talking with Rich and others about what’s next.

That concludes the show and tell section of the webinar. I just want to take a moment to thank all of the pre-launch testing team who gave their time and valuable feedback to help us get SlideGen where it is today.

I would also like to thank Joel and the rest of the team who have worked hard to make this a reality!

And of course, you guys for coming to this webinar and helping us to validate our efforts.

If you like what you have seen or would like to receive a one-to-one demo where you can talk directly to one of the team, you can also book a personal demo below.

Book a demo