The incredible power of Indico Labs Report Population Service (Quester case study)

Tim Hoskin, President of Quester, discusses the impressive ROI the business has seen from partnering with Indico Labs.

October 6, 2023
In this article, we're going to discuss:
"One of the other things in our journey was trying to identify different solutions that were available to us, that don’t require us to hire."

Tim Hoskin, President of Quester Strategy and Insights, discusses the importance of the Indico Labs Report Population Service to Quester and the impressive ROI the business has seen from partnering with Indico Labs.

Tim's insights are fascinating, and it's worth watching this video case study or reading the transcript below. The Indico Labs Report Population Services has helped Quester to make better use of employee time while also providing accurate reporting quickly.


Adam: I’ve been joined by Tim Hoskins, President of Quester. Tim, you and your team have been using the indico labs product for over 2 years now. Before we get into it, tell me a little about Quester and what it is you do as a company.

Tim: Absolutely. Quester is a strategy and insights company. We focus on innovation, unlocking breakthrough innovations and developing strategies for corporations. We do brand strategy for companies, and then a lot of big strategic business questions – we are called upon. Whether it is an organization have churn issues or challenges, retention - those are some of the things that we’re very, very well known for.

We’re a company that believes in consumer narratives. That stories are everywhere, and we need to unlock the narrative, because those narratives are what drive human behaviour. If we can unlock those narratives, we can identify how to build strategies with our clients so that they can take advantage of those to meet their business needs.

"When we have multiple different projects running on the exact same timeline it allows us to better optimize the current resources."

Adam: The team at Quester have been using the Indico Labs Report Population Service for a couple of years now – not as long as the platform. I’d love to hear more about the importance of that partnership to Quester, and what that means for the business.

Tim: Yeah. You know, scale in our industry, and the ability to scale has always been associated with x amount of hours, x number of people. And so, one of the other things in our journey was trying to identify different solutions that were available to us, that don’t require us to hire.

We can find affordable solutions that give us time back so that we can focus on those elements of the project that are the most fruitful. And that is where this partnership has been amazing. You know, you guys are turning decks around - multi-country, 30 to 40 slides per country, fully populated - in a matter of, sometimes 48 hours, sometimes 72 hours. Taking a huge lift off our team so that we can apply resources in a different way.

"From an ROI point of view, it’s significant."

The other thing that we just find amazing is the level of accuracy. I’ve partnered with other companies where you have them do things – but that time that you’re kind of quasi-saving – what you realize with your team is that they’re actually spending a decent amount of the time saved on just checking the data and making sure everything is 100% accurate.

I’ll never forget, after the 2nd report our team called me up and said “yeah… we did all our due diligence on the last 2 projects. We didn’t find a single error or a single mistake. Everything was accurate.” And so, yes… are we still doing the thorough checking? Absolutely. But not near as detailed. That service and that level of accuracy continues today.

From an ROI point of view, it’s significant. Not only just on our employees and where they can actually spend their brain power, but not having to use those hours internally, and pushing it off. You also have the simultaneity of projects as well. When we have multiple different projects running on the exact same timeline it allows us to better optimize the current resources – hours, and people that we have – knowing that we have that partnership with you.

"Taking a huge lift off our team so that we can apply resources in a different way."

Adam: Well, thank you very much for your time, Tim. I’m going to pop some links below this video to Quester, your LinkedIn. I’m guessing you’re happy if anyone has got any questions for you, they can reach out to you.

Tim: Absolutely. Happy to share the trials and tribulations, the different products, and solutions that we’ve tried. Again, they are all good solutions. It’s just a matter of, what is going to best fit in with your people and your process. Where you get that immediate time saving, that immediate ROI without actually investing a lot in learning a brand-new system in developing and retraining your people on an entirely new process.

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